
April 4, 2024 Talking online
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Examples of videos about the Holocaust


Three Films.Talking about "Godzilla"in 1954, "Godzilla - 1.0" and "Oppenheimer" .

The 04. Deepl Translations

Holocaust Drama Screenings in Germany

Hanada: I recall a similar experience: in 1979, I was living in Munich, West Germany. There was a huge social controversy before the German public broadcaster broadcast a four-part series of the American NBC-produced TV drama "The Holocaust". When word spread that such a broadcast existed, there was a huge debate about the pros and cons of it. The public broadcasters prepared very carefully, holding a symposium as a special program before the broadcast and making various other preparations before the broadcast of the four-part series. Naturally, the right wing was against it. In other words, they are saying, "We can't allow an American Hollywood entertainment film about the Holocaust to be aired in Germany.

However, when the program was aired, it received a high rating of 30-40%, and no passing on the TV station occurred as a result. On the contrary, the term "Holocaust" itself became firmly established among the German people as a result of that TV program. Before that, the vocabulary of the Holocaust was hardly ever used. So, in a sense, it created acceptance, or rather acceptance among the public level, of the Holocaust issue, and caused a very serious social problem. At the same time, at that time, how the Nobel laureate for literature, Heinrich Bell, and other German cultural figures spoke out after the broadcast, they said, "By ourselves..." that is, by the Germans, "We need to make our own program beyond this NBC-produced Holocaust," and they said, "We are ready to help with that. We are ready to help.

There have been various comments on how the film "Oppenheimer" has been received in Japan. However, rather than defining it as an entertainment film and discounting its value, the question is whether a Japanese filmmaker can make a film like Nolan's on the theme of Pearl Harbor or the Nanking Incident. I think that is the question. We should not shelve that.

Sato: As I said before, I was introduced by Dr. Suzuki and read various written comments. Among the criticisms of the movie "Oppenheimer", there was no "Make a movie by Japanese". It is questioned whether Japanese people have made a film that can be accepted by the world as a perpetrator under the Imperial Constitution caused by the Japanese military, such as the start of the war between Japan and the U.S. and the attack on Pearl Harbor, and that can be seen by audiences around the world. The same criticism can be made about the Fukushima nuclear accident. The same criticism can be leveled at the Fukushima nuclear accident, and it extends to the question of whether we should be content to rest on our laurels and beat TEPCO and the government. Fukushima is an ongoing disaster, so I think it is time for people to record the tragedy, the problems, and the background of the Fukushima nuclear accident in their own ways, in their own places. The long-lasting disaster has created a special challenge for Fukushima.

If the nuclear accident had not occurred in Fukushima, I would never have met Oppenheimer, Niels Bohr, Dr. Rothblatt and his colleagues, Dr. Suzuki, never known about the Pugwash Conference, and never acquired a used copy of the complete translation of "The Manhattan Project. When I opened the old book, I found on page 608 a statement by Secretary Stimson issued immediately after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. If the accident at Fukushima had not occurred, I would never have read the statement by Secretary Stimson. The statement says, "We can't use it for power generation now, but if we develop it, we can use it for civilian demand and peace. The man who dropped the atomic bomb! The Secretary of War who commanded the manufacture of the bomb made a statement that it could be converted to civilian use, and as the commander-in-chief said 80 years ago, it became a nuclear power plant and covered the world, leading to Fukushima. The concerns of Oppenheimer and the scientists have become a familiar problem for every person in Japan (and the world) in the year 2024, not just in Fukushima Prefecture due to the nuclear accident.





Released in 1989, "The Shadow Makers" specifically depicts the conflict between life in Los Alamos and the scientists.

Frank Report

Hanada: I was surprised and impressed by the scene in Oppenheimer's film, where young people are meeting in Los Alamos. They are in the midst of developing their own science and technology and weapons, and they are critically watching the dropping of the atomic bomb and how it would be used, and they are all gathering together to discuss it. That kind of culture, that's amazing.

Sato: That's right. He maintained a place for free and equal discussion among scientists at the site where nuclear weapons were being built. (Biography, vol. 1, p. 347) The site where 6,000 people lived was surrounded and monitored by barbed wire netting, and it seems that the conditions under which Oppenheimer was assigned to the site were that they could freely discuss each other's work every night. He allowed them to freely debate each other without any barriers of rank or status (p. 431). (p. 431) Medical care was free, movies were shown twice a week, and 80 children were born in the first year, and the following year, at a rate of 10 per month. Too many," a military officer blurted out... and the reality of diverse traffic and exchange is described. It seems that the military was trying to put a tag on free speech and free discussion among scientists. Oppenheimer broke it down into two parts: one was the creation of a secret scientific discussion forum that could not be opened to the public, and the other was the discussion, drinking, and social gatherings with the scientists and their families who gathered in Los Alamos. His wife Kitty may have been a kitchen drinker, an alcoholic, and she would start drinking martinis at 4 pm.

Oppenheimer, on the other hand, was a workaholic and kept the scientists together even after Germany's defeat. Oppenheimer's ability to talk to the scientists kept them from becoming disunited when it came time to build the atomic bomb. They were driven to produce nuclear weapons. The distance between the scientists who were working at the University of Chicago and his own thoughts grew.










Suzuki: I would have liked to see that part of the story drawn out a bit more.

Hanada: I wonder if such gatherings occur because of the discovery structure in the Japanese culture. People think that all they have to do is follow the instructions of their superiors and work hard without paying attention to what they are doing.

Sato: I hope that young people today will learn from and practice the creation of a place for free discussion. Even in a situation where we were surrounded by barbed wire, with wiretaps and surveillance soldiers, and our lives were open to each other, we discussed freely with each other. (See: "The Shadow Maker" for a detailed description of life in Los Alamos.)

Hanada: I am surprised that such a space exists. We don't have that in Japanese culture.

Sato: It's a place for free discussion over martinis every night.
Hanada: That was great!
Sato: After two years of living in an enclosed and monitored environment, they know who is doing what and they know each other. Even though they are monitored and their access to information is restricted, they maintain a free forum for discussion and talk to each other, which is also helpful. Oppenheimer skillfully tells the scientists and their families what he is doing here now and what his mission is.

Suzuki: The Chicago Group's "Frank Report" is wonderful to read now. And it's not in Japanese, but that would later become the report on the international management of nuclear weapons. That is where Oppenheimer enters. So the original of the current world proliferation (nuclear) disarmament regime is written as the "Frank Report.

There are two things among American scientists: as you said, there is the tolerance of American society that allows free discussion, and then there is the conscience of the scientists who developed nuclear weapons, which I think is a kind of atonement. There is a split between those scientists who have come out with it and those who have not. Edward Teller, on the other hand, says, "If we've come this far, there's no point unless we get to the hydrogen bomb," and goes as far as developing the hydrogen bomb. That's the fear of war, the tension.

When there is that tension, the policy of nuclear deterrence leads to military expansion, which is the essence of the report that RECNA, to which I belong, just released the other day. If the other party develops nuclear weapons, we have to develop them too...so there is no end in sight. This, in turn, increases risk. There were people at the time of the Manhattan Project who knew that this would lead to that kind of thing. That was the case from the beginning.

Hanada: So it was like that from the beginning!





淀川長治 解説 「ザ・デイ・アフター」

Nagaharu Yodogawa Commentary "The Day After

Suzuki: Yes, it is. It is written in the Frank Report. If the U.S. uses it as a weapon against Japan, the U.S. will never be able to escape from that crime. And the moment we use it as a weapon, other countries will start developing nuclear weapons. This would be the beginning of an arms buildup, so it must never be used as a weapon. If you are going to do it, a demonstration will suffice.

So you have read that much, and I think that's great. It's not just as a scientist, the report itself is a commission on the socio-political effects of nuclear weapons. The science was done by physicists, but they were writing a report on the socioeconomic impact. I think that is what is amazing.

In 1983, the TV movie "The Day After" was released in the U.S., and it had a huge impact, and the general public learned about the horror of nuclear weapons. There is a scene in the movie where a lot of American cities are destroyed and people die after nuclear weapons are dropped on the United States. It's a picture that people who know the reality of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would find appalling. It is not scary at all. There are a lot of people who survive. Still, Americans were shocked and thought, "Nuclear war is scary. So when the American people saw the movie "Oppenheimer," they must have thought it was scary. As you said, it has enough impact without showing it. That's how impactful it is as a film this time, which will be helpful for us in the future.

My hope is that when young people see this film, even if they don't know the story of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they will think, "Ah, nuclear weapons are scary after all.

若い人が大勢観た 映画『オッペンハイマー』













Many young people saw the movie "Oppenheimer

Hanada: I saw the movie at Shinjuku Piccadilly on Saturday, March 30. The seats were almost full, and most of the audience was in their 20s and 30s. There was only one late-aged person like me.

Suzuki: It is very different from Nagasaki.

Hanada: That was impressive. After the film was over, everyone stood up and watched the crowd come out in droves, all in their 20s and 30s. I was thinking about the impact of the film on the young people who left the theater after seeing it. I wondered if young people would leave the theater after seeing that film and join the movement to abolish nuclear weapons. And. In other words, I don't think so directly.

Suzuki: There is no direct connection.

Hanada: But the "Five Simulation Reports on the Use of Nuclear Weapons" (read the contents) that Mr. Suzuki presented the other day. I wonder if you would call that reality. The report shows simulations on the screen, but there is no reality coming out of that. Therefore, unless we link a film like "Oppenheimer" with Dr. Suzuki's simulation, it is difficult to see the social impact, whether people will take action, whether they will join the movement for nuclear abolition...whether they will demonstrate, whether they will vote, whether the Japanese government will sign a nuclear weapons ban treaty, whether they will take action! or whether or not to start such a movement, because it doesn't happen as a simple action. I saw the movie, so I won't demonstrate. However, I think the "Oppenheimer" film is good as some kind of device to create a simulated reality.

If nuclear weapons were used now. First Simulation Shows Threat
(Picture: from NHK website)

Suzuki: I agree with you. That is why Japan should make a lot of films like that. Godzilla" would be fine.

Hanada: It can be "Godzilla. It can be entertainment.
Suzuki: It is not entertainment, so it is half fiction, but it is basically made with a documentary touch. At first Einstein is enthusiastic, "I just created the theory of relativity, I didn't create the atomic bomb, I can't be blamed," but in fact, if he says it like that, it is true. He ends with, "The only regret I have in my life is that I wrote a letter to President Roosevelt," and that's it.

Hanada: I see.
アインシュタインと原爆 (字幕付き) | 日本語の予告編 | Netflix

Einstein and the Atomic Bomb (Subtitled) | Japanese Trailer | Netflix











An Inconvenient Truth 2: The Abandoned Earth" trailer

Suzuki: So I still had regrets as a scientist. As Mr. Hanada said earlier, in order for the general public to come to believe that nuclear issues are really serious, mere research or documentaries are not enough...something stronger (more infectious) is needed. So Al Gore made a film, "An Inconvenient Truth," and it was very well done. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for that, and I think it would be great if we could make a film like that about nuclear weapons. That had a great impact. I think that is the work of an artist. Are you a film producer? But after seeing our research, NHK made a simple simulation.

Hanada: I saw it.

Suzuki: We cannot produce that simulated image.

Hanada: That is still video technology.

Suzuki: I thought the NHK production team was great, and they read our reports very carefully. They read our reports very carefully! They are looking at so many places. I thought that the people who create the images are looking at different things. In that sense, we also communicate with the artists...

The artist Tsutaya Gaku, who criticized "Oppenheimer," paints amazing pictures about nuclear damage. She has held many solo exhibitions in New York. She is a woman.

Hanada: I saw Tsutaya-san's painting.

Suzuki: I don't have the image of a woman who paints like that. She seems quiet and talks normally, but when she paints, she becomes like that. She has something intense inside. I know her a little because we have talked many times. What she has is a criticism of that film. She is absolutely right! That energy is what makes her paint that picture.

Sato: Is the source of their anger and rage being conveyed to the American people?
蔦谷楽 ワープドライブ WARP DRIVE
















Suzuki: Maybe they don't get the message. Japanese people can tell by appreciating her paintings, right? Suzuki: I don't know. Of course, those who can understand will understand. I don't think there are any people who would run for the nuclear abolition movement after seeing "Oppenheimer". But among fellow artists, she is a big topic of conversation,

Sato: So among artists, "War is wrong...".

Suzuki: It will.

sato: It is not necessary that everyone who sees the exhibition will understand Tsutaya's thoughts, but it is important that they are first conveyed to the artists themselves. That alone is enough to spread beyond generations.

Hanada: There is Picasso's "Guernica" and the 15-part "The Atomic Bomb" by Mr. and Mrs. Maruki. As I said at the beginning, film is an emotional technology. People perceive and move largely based on emotions. I talked about the separation or integration between theory and practice in "Oppenheimer," but the practice does not necessarily have to be Oppenheimerian. That kind of practice. There are enough choices, and I think Dr. Suzuki is probably doing that.

Suzuki: (Smiles) It's difficult. I am doing such activities from the standpoint of my research at the university, my desire to influence policy, and also as an individual who actually participates in Pugwash.

Hanada: I think the important point of Mr. Suzuki's activities is that they are civil society-based, not government-based. That is an important point.

Suzuki: Yes, that's right. Frustration builds up (smiles).

Hanada: You say that you are a former scientist. As a scientist, when you talk about theory and practice, you are talking about Oppenheimerian practice, that is, the practice of entering the government and developing atomic bombs, and then suffering from remorse after doing so. Instead, when we talk about theory and practice from the beginning, we need to think of a practice that has a social impact, where the practice is based on expert knowledge and creates communication within civil society. I believe that such a possibility is a lifeline, especially in the case of nuclear weapons abolition.

Suzuki: I see.

Sato: Thank you for the long time. We would like to continue these talks. Thank you very much for your time tonight.

Suzuki: It would be helpful if you could give us another opportunity.

Sato: Thank you very much for your cooperation. Thank you very much for your time today, Dr. Hanada and Dr. Suzuki.

Suzuki: Thank you very much for your time today.

Hanada: Well, good-bye...

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Thank you for reading this long record! This is the end.
Written by Toshihiro Sato

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