
Three Films.Talking about "Godzilla"in 1954, "Godzilla - 1.0" and "Oppenheimer" .

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The 03.  Deepl Translations

 Scientists Living a Paradox

Hanada: That is what I find interesting. I think the individual Oppenheimer, as the protagonist of that film, the individual is very interesting.

Suzuki: Yes, that's right.

Hanada: It is an interesting existence. I am interested in two things. One is that Suzuki-san is also a scientist, so it may be a little awkward for me to say this in front of a scientist.
Suzuki: I am a former scientist.

Hanada: (smiles) I guess you could call it a scientist's desire or instinct. He's not good at experiments, but he's become good at theory, and in the Trinity experiment, so to speak, he gets his revenge in an experiment he's not good at. He succeeds in the experiment. I think that desire for theoretical and technical success is very strong, and not all scientists are like that, but I think they are all obsessed with success, including Oppenheimer and Ernest Lawrence.

Then, on the flip side, he said, the political or social consequences of its use would be shelved once it was used. Oppenheimer would later regret it. I don't think Edward Teller regretted developing the hydrogen bomb.

Theoretical and technological success and the political and social impact or results of the actual use of the technology are considered separately. By doing so, I think I am revealing my desires and instincts as a scientist. But I will have to worry about it later on.

I guess you could call it a milieu where you see such a state of being and at the same time such people gather together. The famous physicists in the film, people who are called geniuses, including Einstein and Niels Bohr, appear in the film. I think it is very interesting to see the milieu of such a group of physicists.

The physicists compete with each other to achieve their accomplishments, while going around and around in circles with honor struggles among such people, or complexes, or feelings of jealousy, and so on. What is at the end of that logic? In the end, though, they end up developing a weapon called the atomic bomb. What can I say, dynamism? A dynamism created by eccentrics and oddballs, a dynamism created by geniuses. In some cases, it is a negative dynamism.

The players there, especially Oppenheimer, but the complexity of their personalities, the complexity of their personalities, and the paradoxical lives that follow. I thought it was very interesting that they had to live with the paradoxes.

At the same time, I feel that only people like that would be able to achieve breakthroughs in physics like that. They come up with ideas that would not be understood by common sense people, and Einstein too. Because those people were weirdos and eccentrics, they were able to come up with ideas and have flashes of intuition that common sense people wouldn't think of. I think that in itself is also a paradox.

I would say that this is very much embodied in Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer is being forced to carry the paradox all on his own, or perhaps he is carrying it himself. I am very interested in that.










だから「マンハッタン計画」の生んだものは、単なる科学者のコミュニティーだけじゃなくって ─ロスアラモスは今でも残っていますが・・─ ニュークリアー・ミリタリー・インダストリアル・コンプレックスを作ってしまった。それが原子力発電も作っているわけですし、未だにそれが原子力の後ろに居るわけですからマンハッタン計画の罪は重い。その罪を作ったのは私は科学者というよりは戦争と。

Suzuki: I think you are right. As Dr. Hanada said, the way the scientists of the "Manhattan Project" did this time is a very interesting dynamism. As Dr. Hanada said, it is a very interesting dynamic, and there are many kinds of people among scientists. I would have liked to see a little more of that in the film.

Why did Oppenheimer jump out of his research and go to Los Alamos, that place? It was not pursuit or his own greed, perhaps. After all, you can't give it to Nazi Germany. And so was Einstein's letter to President Roosevelt (August 2, 1939).... I can't write a paper if it goes to Los Alamos. I can't publish it because it is a top secret national project.

And yet, people still get together. The motivation for it is obviously war. So it is different from the mentality of a normal state scientist. That mentality was clearly present at Los Alamos.

Unfortunately, Szilard was in "Oppenheimer," but Dr. Joseph Rothblatt, who you know is Polish, was the only scientist who quit the Manhattan Project when he learned that Germany had failed to develop nuclear weapons, saying, "Then why do we need to make bombs anymore? He was the only scientist who quit the Manhattan Project when he learned that Germany had failed to develop nuclear weapons. So he creates the Pugwash Conference, the Russell-Einstein Manifesto and holds the Pugwash Conference.

So Leo Szilard, there were people who said, "The Chicago Group is going to develop it, but we as scientists should speak up about the decision to use it or not. It's out there as the "Frank Report.

In this sense, they had the same concerns about the social responsibility of scientists, the same concerns as Dr. Serizawa in "Godzilla. There were people like Edward Teller in the US who did not. It was the war that turned them into mekkras.

So I think that the relationship between war and science, or politics and science, is a major theme, and if you could highlight that a little more to the people who saw this film, they would say, "War is not good. I think it is an anti-war film, but the focus is on Oppenheimer alone, and although I understand Oppenheimer's hardships, perhaps the war drove scientists to madness and led them to develop deadly weapons. So you create the atomic bomb.

One more thing, and this is a minor detail. There is a difference between scientists and engineers. Scientists alone cannot make an atomic bomb. It cannot be made without people in the engineering department. I understand that American industry is also participating in this project. The role of industry is tremendous. If you read "The Manhattan Project," which does not appear in the movie, you will see that Du Pont and others had to mass-produce raw materials, so nuclear weapons cannot be created by theory alone.

The scientists work up to the design of the bomb, but Oppenheimer does not have a hand in the actual manufacturing of the bomb. It is all done by engineers. So some of the best engineers contributed, but it became the "Military-Industrial Complex" and it remains today.

So the Manhattan Project created not only a community of scientists, but also - and Los Alamos is still there - the Nuclear Military Industrial Complex. It also created nuclear power, and it is still behind nuclear power, so the sins of the Manhattan Project are serious. I believe that it was war, rather than scientists, that created that sin.
Letter from Einstein to President Roosevelt














Scientists and War 

Hanada: That's right. And, moreover, the war developed physics as well, right?

Suzuki: You are right. So that is the difficult part. Nuclear fission is not the cause of war, but it has been discovered. So when we say, "What kind of energy do we use nuclear fission for?" the war drove people to make bombs.

Hanada: In the U.S., it would have been Oppenheimer. In Germany, it would be Heisenberg. In Japan, it would be Yoshio Nishina. All the scientists were ordered by the government to build cyclotrons for the war effort, and Yoshio Nishina built a cyclotron. In Germany, Heisenberg also built a cyclotron.

In the three countries at war with Germany, Japan, and the United States, are scientists or physicists reluctant to develop weapons? Actively? Or under compulsion? There may be many situations, but the result is that they are taken in. In other words, in a war situation. Theoretical physics developed as a result, as did industry, which became the military industry. In short, I think we should keep in mind that the major situation is war.

Sato: Fascism was on the rise and Hitler was under the influence of World War I. In Germany, nuclear weapons had not been built, but everyone on both sides was paranoid. If we don't build a new weapon before Germany does, we'll be dropped ahead of them. There is no basis for this, but the paranoia that people have runs rampant, and they build a bomb.

Suzuki: There is no lack of evidence! Because nuclear fission was discovered in Germany. Physically, Germany was more advanced at that time.

Sato: Niels Bohr said that when building nuclear weapons, we should share information with the Soviet Union and do scientific development research on nuclear weapons. Scientists like the Chicago School scientists on the one hand and the military people on the other want to keep it secret and develop it. I guess there is a subtle overlap between imperialism and fascism, communism and the discovery stage of nuclear fission. In that era, with the Great Depression, the rise of fascism, and the development of communism, scientists would act unexpectedly and build things.

The political situation in each country is still in a state of flux, and we are on the eve of World War II, so think about nuclear weapons! And so, we should think about nuclear weapons! I think the movie "Oppenheimer" is sounding a kind of warning bell.

Suzuki: That is correct. And Heisenberg in Germany may have deliberately not cooperated with us. There is a theory that he delayed development by pretending to cooperate. There is a dialogue between Heisenberg and Niels Bohr, "Copenhagen," which has been published as a book. I don't know the facts.

Sato: If that is the case, I think we can find hope for scientists.

Suzuki: I don't know the facts. On the other hand, like Von Braun, they work hard to develop rockets with weapons and build anything if they get paid for it.

Hanada: The V2 rocket.

Suzuki: Yes, it is quite difficult because some scientists have developed rockets. My point is that scientists are not uniform. There are many different scientists. I think it is a little different to treat Oppenheimer as if he is a symbol of a scientist. ・・・・ Oppenheimer is just Oppenheimer.







文庫『コペンハーゲン』小田島 恒志 (翻訳)
Copenhagen" by Tsuneishi Odajima (Translator)


Note 3) Biography, Oppenheimer, vol. 1, p. 465. Rothblatt did not see the point in continuing to develop weapons that would not be needed to defeat Germany, since he believed that our work would prevent a Nazi victory. After the Allied landings at Normandy On December 8, 1944, Rothblatt left Los Alamos.

Hanada: Just like Oppenheimer, a complex personality and a life of paradoxes. That's why he can be the hero of a movie. Ernest Lawrence cannot be the protagonist of a movie.

Suzuki: Oppenheimer. I would like Rothblatt to be the hero, I think, because he is my hero. There are people like him who are the only one. He's not in this film "Oppenheimer"! He's not even in the biography.

Sato: Leaving because Germany surrendered ... Dr. Suzuki's hero! The biography states that Rothblatt left Los Alamos (Note 3). It says that he left Los Alamos because Germany lost the war and there was no need to build nuclear weapons.

Suzuki: I wish you had used that in this film.

Sato: The movie did not depict Mr. Rothblatt's resignation from Los Alamos, although there was a scene in which Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, left.

Suzuki: That is a famous scene.















Physicists and Communism during World War II

Hanada: One more thing. I mentioned earlier that I was interested in two aspects of Oppenheimer's character, the first of which I mentioned earlier, and the second is the relationship between physicists and communism. Of course, this is not an issue for all physicists, but in Oppenheimer's case, his social background, or the fact that he was surrounded by Communist Party members, or the fact that he was not a Party member himself. Or he himself was not a member of the party, but he was involved in the rallies. That is what I am interested in. I am interested in the fact that a physicist, a theoretical physicist, is interested in Marx's ideas and dialectical materialism. In the film, Oppenheimer says that he read all three volumes of Capital in German.

Suzuki: You mentioned it. I liked reading books.

Sato: You said you read it very quickly.
Suzuki: Yes, he said he read it very quickly.
Hanada: So you are reading in German.
Hanada: It's great.
Sato: In his biography, we read that Oppenheimer's linguistic ability is amazing. He could read French, Latin, Hindi, and any other language, and recited poems in many different languages.

Why dialectical materialism by a theoretical physicist? Both are materialism or materialism. How are they connected theoretically and abstractly? Is it inevitable or coincidental? I thought that was very interesting.

Sato: I don't think Oppenheimer was a communist. I read Capitalism in German, but I don't think he was a communist, and I don't think he donated to the communists who opposed fascism in Spain, so I don't think that makes him an equal member of the communist party.

Hanada: I think we can say that you were not a member of the Communist Party, but you had sympathies for the Communist ideology.

Sato: Support for the weak who were beaten by the powerful and support for the communist movement are intertwined.

Hanada: If I didn't, I wouldn't be donating to the People's Front to defeat Franco.
Sato: You have a mistress named Jean, a female psychiatrist.

Hanada: She is a member of the Communist Party.

Sato: I wonder if he was influenced by his mistress by going out with her.

Hanada: Only and Oppenheimer's brother is also a member of the Communist Party, isn't he?
Sato: Yes, that's right.
Hanada: I was surprised that there were so many Communist Party members in the vicinity. I wondered if there were that many Communist Party members in the area?

Sato: Wasn't communism popular after World War I? There were so many Communists in the U.S. that they later went on a red hunt. There's German fascism and the Communists fighting against German fascism, or is that a pretext for Germany to invade Russia?

Hanada: So it still comes out in the emergence of fascism. The first was the People's Front against the Franco dictatorship in Spain. There were many people from abroad who joined the volunteer army that supported them. George Orwell, for example.

Sato: Oppenheimer only supports money.

Hanada: But he is still a sympathizer. He read Marx's books. How does he connect dialectical materialism and theoretical physics in his mind? That is what I would like to know very much. How did he do that? Simply put, he is a leftie, isn't he?

Suzuki: I don't know, but maybe California.
Hanada: California culture!

Suzuki: There were not many East Coast scientists in the United States who were communists.
Hanada: I see.
Suzuki: Maybe. I think it's the culture of the liberal Establishment on the West Coast. It's like Osaka in Japan. He loved California, didn't he? He first went to Berkeley University in California. I don't know.




有名なマルクスの言葉だけど、「哲学者はこれまで世界を解釈してきただけであって、重要なのは世界を変革することだ」という 2,3行の言葉なんです。それが彫ってあるんです。それとオッペンハイマーのパラドックスは多少パラレルであって、つまりマルクスは理論家だと、しかし同時に彼は革命家でもあったわけですね。それがさっきの言葉なわけです、世界を変革するということ、それが問題なんだと。








Sato: For example, what would you have done if Dr. Hanada were a scientist and a communist?
Hanada: There is no need to assume.

Everyone laughed out loud

Hanada: I don't think I could ever invent something like that. In relation to what you said before, there is a connection between theoretical success and the actual use of that success in reality, and the relationship between the two. When you go to Humboldt University in Berlin, at the back of the hall in the main building, there is an engraving of Marx's words, and it is still there. It was there when I went to Berlin during the East German period.

It's a couple of lines from the famous Marx quote, "Philosophers have so far only interpreted the world; the important thing is to transform it." That's what's engraved on it. There is some parallel between that and Oppenheimer's paradox: Marx was a theorist, but at the same time he was a revolutionary. That's what he said earlier, that transforming the world, that's the problem.

So Marx deviated from theoretical research and became a revolutionary. It is not a complete parallel, but Oppenheimer also did theoretical physics, but deviated from that and became involved in the development of the atomic bomb and the actual dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, didn't he? At that time, he wanted to end the war. He wanted to end the war, and he also wanted to make sure that the Nazis would have an atomic bomb, so he had to build one before they did. In such a real world, I had to fulfill my role in the real world. In other words, I had to step out into the real world and make the atomic bomb, not only in the world of theory. Moreover, I may have the ability to do so. That is why I am stepping out. I feel that there is some kind of parallel relationship there.

When Scientists Go Beyond the Rules for the Good of the Country

Sato: In the short time after Germany surrendered, biographers discuss the atomic bombing of Japan. Scientists have publicly experimented and said that the atomic bombs should not be dropped. Signature campaigns such as Szilard at the University of Chicago. Oppenheimer of Los Alamos does not sign the petition and goes on his way as a practitioner of nuclear weapon making. In the film, I thought, Huh? I thought, Oppenheimer is seen wearing a military uniform.

Hanada: Yes, there is.

Sato: It's an inflection, or a parallel act between Dr. Hanada's theory and practice, but I think that's what he's implying. At first he was a theorist, but...before he knew it, he became a soldier. It shows that figure. Rather than the parallelism that Dr. Hanada just mentioned, he was just a man who was out of his depth and did something for reasons unknown. People who do that. Szilard and Dr. Rothblatt, who left Los Alamos immediately after the German surrender, were well-balanced, but Oppenheimer is not so flexible in this area.

Suzuki: You know, the professors of a certain national university (laughs), they become members of a government council, I think it's exactly the same thing. They are academics, but the moment they become members of a government council, their consciousness changes. You become aware that you have been chosen to serve the country. You go beyond the scope of a scientist and become a model for politics, or rather, you believe and think that it is for the good of the world, and you do it.

So there are quite a few scientists like that. What should I say? What is the purpose of my research? The starting point is my own curiosity, and then I started doing research for the sake of the world, and so on. If there is a cause of war, anyone might do it.

花田:それと関連するんだけど、こないだNHKで元九大教授の吉岡斉さんのドキュメンタリーが放映され、亡くなった吉岡さんが残した原子力委員会関係の文書にアクセスをして制作した番組がありましたね。(2024年3月2日NHK「膨張と忘却 〜理の人が見た原子力政策〜放送)あれは非常に面白かったんですね。





佐藤:ただ、分からないのはニールス・ボーアとかオランダやベルギーの科学者たちの発想、核技術を共有して、核の国際管理していこうと(註) ━ロートブラットは1995年核軍縮にかんする業績でノーベル賞受賞━ そういう科学者の発想を、オッペンハイマーも知っているはずなんだけど、どうしてか知っているボーア先生の思いを引き継がないし、パグオッシュ会議にも参加しないし。・・・そのあたりが「なんだこの科学者オッペンハイマーは?」、不審というか理解できない点ですね。






アインシュタインにはオッペンハイマーは興味ない。(伝記下巻124頁 )映画のように親しく対話していたとは伝記には書いてないですね。











From Mr. Hitoshi Yoshioka's Picture Web


(註)伝記上巻 468頁〜

(Note: Biography, vol. 1, p. 468~. Protecting the World from Nuclear War... Public Debate on the Effects of Gadgets on Civilization Why do we continue to build bombs after the war is practically won?

pg. 470 Doomed to live in fear forever more, while potentially ending the war


Discussion Topics. How will this terrible weapon affect the world, what are we doing or doing wrong, should scientists not worry about how it will be used?

Oppenheimer opposed the debate, saying it was a political issue.

Biography, lower volume, p. 124. Einstein would not let Oppenheimer be one of his best friends "whose scientific opinions differ diametrically" Einstein refused to accept quantum theory, criticizing Oppenheimer as completely nuts

Hanada: On a related note, NHK recently aired a documentary on former Kyushu University professor Hitoshi Yoshioka, which was produced by accessing documents related to the Atomic Energy Commission left behind by the late Mr. Yoshioka. (NHK, March 2, 2024, "Expansion and Oblivion: Nuclear Energy Policy as Seen by a Man of Ri") That program was very interesting.

In other words, Mr. Yoshioka was also living through this dilemma and paradox. He would participate in national councils. His own justification for becoming a member of such a committee is that there is a need for transparency and rationalization of the policy-making process, and so on. However, in the end, he was caught up in interest politics, which he also sees as "profit politics," and in the end he could not have a rational discussion. I had to come to that point, didn't I? I think it is a kind of defeat.

Suzuki: You are right.

Sato: Oppenheimer tested the atomic bomb, but he dismisses the question that it is up to politicians to decide whether to use it. In the film, he clearly says that. That argument is also left out of the film, isn't it?

Suzuki: It's not fair, it escapes me.

Sato: What I don't understand, however, is the idea of Niels Bohr and other Dutch and Belgian scientists to share nuclear technology and to manage nuclear weapons internationally (Note: -Rothblatt won the Nobel Prize in 1995 for his work on nuclear disarmament-), and Oppenheimer must have known the ideas of such scientists. But somehow he didn't take over Dr. Bohr's ideas and didn't participate in the Pugwash Conference. I don't understand.

Suzuki: That would be true, because he is the director of Los Alamos.

Sato: You said you had crossed over from the time you took on the role of warden at Los Alamos.

Suzuki: They must have thought, we have to do it, what will happen if I oppose it? I have to resign.

Sato: I see. Is that because of the discrimination against Jews in America, or because you grew up watching your father working hard in business as an immigrant, and you wanted to show your skin here? I don't know the historical relationship between Jews and Americans, but that may have been the background... That's why I imagined his determination to build a nuclear bomb and show it to the military.

Suzuki: From the moment I accepted the position of director, I probably had the same feelings as you mentioned.

Sato: Director Nolan used a skillful technique. He showed Oppenheimer's inner life in his clothes by having him put on and take off his military uniform without having him speak in words. If you look at the Manhattan Project, they invite him in as the head of the civilian staff, or maybe they appoint him. The film shows Oppenheimer in a military uniform. It showed him in a military uniform that he was not supposed to wear. In the movie, Oppenheimer goes back and forth between being a scientist and a soldier. It was a direction to make the audience think about the dilemma and hesitation as Dr. Hanada mentioned. It was made in a complicated way.

Oppenheimer is not interested in Einstein. (p. 124 of the lower volume of the biography) The biography doesn't say that they had a close dialogue as in the movie. The dialogue between them in the movie is pictured after the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They were invited to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and returned to being scientists who, in essence, were given a house and a salary and could live a research life where the American establishment let scientists live and play, but there is no mention of them living on the same property and interacting closely with Einstein. Every day, he drank martinis with his wife and friends and socialized with poets, literary scholars, historians, and doctors of letters. I think Oppenheimer came to dislike scientists.

I like the way they traveled, riding horses and wandering in the wild for days at a time, even though it wasn't depicted in many of the movies. I like the idea of wandering in the wilderness with no grass or trees while staying in the field. I saw it as a necessary picture to depict Oppenheimer.

Suzuki: It was drawn a little bit.

Sato: Since childhood, my only sport has been horseback riding.

Suzuki: Los Alamos itself is the land he rode and liked.

Sato: I was attracted to wilderness, and I wonder if it has something to do with my love of minerals since childhood.... I like to live in nature, in a place where I am not guaranteed to eat or be eaten and where my safety is not guaranteed. He also said that he sailed on a ship. He sometimes falls in love with women he meets in the fields and mountains. His love for women will stay with him for the rest of his life. Such extremely strange human nature. Los Alamos, where every action was monitored. He goes to see his mistress, probably with his brother's guidance, and that behavior is also bullshit and womanizing. I thought he was a drunkard and a lazy son of a bitch. I saw him as a drunkard and a lazy son of a bitch, though this is not depicted in the film. The way he treats his eldest son and daughter is also written in his biography, but he is such a terrible man that I wondered if he was really a father.

Suzuki: We are laughing a lot.

Hanada: It can't be helped that he is a genius.

Sato: I don't want to be the child of a genius. The closing of Oppenheimer's autobiography is about his daughter's suicide.

Suzuki: My grandson is coming to Japan.

Sato: Okay, probably Oppenheimer's eldest son, his child who was a carpenter by trade. His eldest daughter committed suicide by hanging herself in their family home on St. John's Island in the Virgin Islands, leaving a will saying that she would donate her inheritance to the community. It is easy to imagine her life from her birth, her relationship with her parents, and her continued failure to find a job until her suicide. She is a woman who really wanted her parents to love her in an ordinary way. Oppenheimer is a father who doesn't understand how to love people, how to love his daughter and son as a father. He's a man who understands love in letters and in poetry, but can't understand and practice love in real life.

Oppenheimer may meet some good women, but he is truly loved...he doesn't know it. And he is a man who takes the wives of his friends. It would have been good to depict him as an unusual man who also plunges into the production of atomic bombs.

Suzuki: I was out for a bit.


In 1960, Oppenheimer visited Tokyo and told a newspaper reporter I do not regret having had any part in the technical success of the atomic bomb. It is not that I am not sorry. My heart aches more tonight than it did last night.

















Was the damage caused by the atomic bomb depicted?

Sato: I didn't think the way you depicted the one night of separation between Jean, the lover, and Oppenheimer in the movie was very good. Then, the atomic bomb scene is not depicted! I'll change the subject to the issue of that point.

The film depicts him in that scene where he is addressing a gathering of scientists and their families inside Los Alamos after a successful experiment. Oppenheimer's brain was visualized. He showed the faces of the gathered people in a picture that looked like they were being peeled off and scattered by the blast. A pitch black doll lies at their feet and they step on it. People were broken into crispy pieces like charcoal. I thought that was enough to depict it. I think he didn't understand that people die, just as he didn't understand love...I can't help but feel that way.

Suzuki: The woman whose face melts in the scene is Christopher Nolan's own daughter.

Sato: I see! The director's daughter's face, the skin peeling off, that scene is disgusting.
Suzuki: I heard that they struggled over whether to show that scene or not. I think Director Nolan had a hard time with that scene.

Sato: I made up the daughter of a woman who was exposed to the atomic bomb and filmed her! I embedded that in the film!
Suzuki: I don't know, but if I were to show them, I would have a hard time deciding where to show them.

Sato: Yes.

Suzuki: If I showed them, they would say that I only showed them this much. It depends on what you choose. If we show them, we have to show them thoroughly. There is not much point in just showing them quickly. Oppenheimer himself probably only saw the pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the bombing, so I thought that the pictures in his fantasy were more directly related to Oppenheimer's problems... In terms of depicting Oppenheimer, I thought that fantasy would probably be better.

Of course, I think director Christopher Nolan knew that there would be strong opposition from the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as from the Japanese people. On the other hand, I think that is why he thought it would be a bad idea to show the film in a half-hearted way.

I myself was looking at Oppenheimer's face all through that scene, and as I looked at the slide, he turned his face away. That one moment in his performance, that moment when Killian Murphy, who played Oppenheimer, is so skillful, he shows an indescribable expression on his face. That moment is a very valuable scene, and when I was watching the film, I thought, "Oh, this is how the pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are going to appear..." I thought, "Oh, it's over without showing them. Oh, they finished without showing it. But then the scene with the charred corpses and the peeling of the skin off the faces came out, and I thought, "Oh, I see...he's depicting an illusion. I think Christopher Nolan was most troubled by that scene.

Sato: I thought the way you drew that was clever. In the final scene, Einstein and Oppenheimer were standing around in the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and it was clear that Einstein did not approve of Oppenheimer's work, and he said, "I have calculated and confirmed that air does not burn. The whole planet starts to burn. I was impressed by the cleverness of the connection with the scene where the dead bodies and facial skin are peeled off.

The detonation test was a great success, and the audience in the lecture hall cheered loudly. However, the sound disappears and the film enters a fantasy scene in which the audience imagines the atomic bomb survivors. In the midst of his successful speech, Oppenheimer has a vision of the faces of the audience and spectators being peeled off and destroyed. The air and the sea are not set on fire, but the exchange of nuclear weapons begins and the earth begins to burn. The film ends with a picture that nuclear weapons are a problem for the politicians who use them. The sequence of these images had more universality than showing a hell picture of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The existence of war and nuclear weapons is a problem for the entire planet. The fireball earth was a good counterpoint to the water drop ripple scene at the entrance of the film.

Hanada: On the contrary, I think the film would have been ruined if we had shown live-action photographs of the hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the point where they turned their faces away. There has been criticism for not showing them, but if live-action images were shown, I think there would be several times as much criticism. If you use live-action photos of Nagasaki and Hiroshima hibakusha in an entertainment film, I don't think there will be a strong reaction of "I can't allow that! I think the rejection reaction would be fierce. So, whether you do or don't, you will be criticized.

Sato: If you are criticized whether you put it out or not, the way director Nolan portrays it is skillful!

Suzuki: What U.S. historical researchers criticize is not what is not shown, but the way the film is portrayed as a whole. Basically, they say that the film only depicts the American point of view. As a film, that's impossible. But they are the ones who are doing that, so I can understand why they would think that way... I can understand why they would come out that way, as I watched that film.

But that is not the value of the film, and Nolan must have known that this is the reaction he would get.

 Continue to No.04 

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