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The 02. Deepl Translations

Talking about nuclear weapons is not the same as talking about movies.

Sato: Did Oppenheimer see the first "Godzilla" film when he came to Japan in 1960? I'll have to look it up. The movie "Oppenheimer" is interesting because it mainly depicts Oppenheimer's brain in 1945. 1954 "Godzilla" uses a Geiger counter (scintillation survey meter) to measure the large footprint of Godzilla that appeared on Oto Island. I was a decontamination supervisor in Fukushima, and that scene "I will measure the radiation level" was very realistic. Minus One" No sign of measuring the radiation level (laughs). 

Suzuki: he story goes that the first Godzilla movie was started before the bombing of the Daigo Fukuryu Maru, but during the production of the movie, the Daigo Fukuryu Maru was exposed to the bomb and it affected the movie quite a bit. It was the hydrogen bomb that exposed the Fukuryu Maru to the atomic bomb.

Sato: The energy from the hydrogen bomb explosion tests brought Godzilla and trilobites that had been lying dormant in the depths of the earth back to life. Dr. Yamane pointed this out in the Diet and the audience understood. In the debate among the delegates, Dr. Yamane's warning, "If you test the hydrogen bomb, Godzilla will appear! reminds us of that fear of running away from the air raid, so the audience of 1954 will get it.
Hanada: What impressed me about the first film was the ending. Dr. Yamane has a saying. I don't think that Godzilla is the last of its kind. If the hydrogen bomb tests continue, Gojira's kind may appear from somewhere. So you are bringing the warning/warning about the hydrogen bomb tests to the end. I think that's a great message.







オッペンハイマー は スティムソン長官とトルーマン大統領に語る 


The lower volume of the Japanese edition of the biography "Oppenheimer" includes a photograph of Hiroshima after the atomic bombing. It states that 95% of the 225,000 people killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the bombings were women and children.




(Note 1) Excerpt from the lower volume of the biography P.26: Bob Wilson blocked up, Bob Wilson just keeps thinking. Oppenheimer knew the names of the Japanese drop cities, poor people, he says, in a resigned tone.

P30 Frank Oppenheimer recalled, "The terror felt by all who died came on suddenly." Groves, "It was a huge explosion."

P33 "No one celebrated the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima." Wilson "debated its power and felt betrayed when it exploded over Japan without demonstrating its power in a peaceful manner to the Japanese."

P34 When we heard the news from Nagasaki, a somber air covered the entire institute. Oppenheimer: "The atomic bomb is a tremendous weapon, so war is no longer possible.

sato: In March 1954 (distributed in Fukushima City on March 17), the Yomiuri Shimbun carried a photo of the faces of the fishermen who were exposed to the Daigo Fukuryu Maru...I don't think they would carry the photo of their blistered skin now. At the time, it was published. The power of the photo must have made everyone realize that the H-bomb was scarier than the Pikadon. When the next H-bomb test happens, they will say, "It's no one else's business!" Of course, the people at the "Godzilla" production site were also shocked and felt the power of creativity.

One of the major themes of Dr. Suzuki's activities is "how to abolish nuclear weapons and how to hand down the tragedy after dropping them to every corner of the world". I watched the recorded video he taught me. Grandma gives a lecture at an American high school. American high school students do not know about the atomic bombing of Japan. The American high school students are at a loss for words, and Grandma is kept at a distance. Even the Fukushima victims are the same. The old people in Fukushima say, "Of course you know the details of the F1 nuclear accident!" And. Young people are not interested in the nuclear accident and don't know about it. There is a debate about whether to inform them or keep them in the dark, but there is no talk about passing on the Gojira damage to future generations.

I believe that the Japanese people have too strong a sense of being victims of the atomic bombings. The atomic bombing of Japan began with the reckless attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese Navy, which opened the Pacific War. The end result was the dropping of two atomic bombs. If we skip over the beginning of the war and concentrate on the feelings of the victims of the atomic bombings and repeat our words and actions, the haters will turn against the enemy and start another war, and we will be politically exploited and equipped with useless weapons.

suzuki: Many of the people who are criticized are people who are really studying the nuclear weapons issue. Especially those who know a lot about the United States. They want to say how bad the U.S. has done and that people who know about it say, "This is not true.

Sato: I see, so that's why you have those criticisms and impressions.

Suzuki: Yes, if you don't know anything about it, when you watch "Oppenheimer" this time, you will think that this film is an anti-nuclear film.

Sato: Yes, it is an anti-nuclear film.

Suzuki:But people who know really well say, "It's not like that...". I would prefer that they keep that separate from their assessment of the film.

Sato: I agree. I think it would be too much of a flight to the movie impressions.

SuzukiI: But I know these women well, and they have an opportunity to speak up.

Sato: I see that the "Oppenheimer" film has awakened many latent voices.

Suzuki: Yes, the fact that so many people voiced their opinions shows how great the impact of the film was. If it was a trivial film, no one would watch it. Everyone says, "Watch Oppenheimer. It's funny to say "it's funny," but "Oppenheimer" is a great film that deserves to be seen, and I recommend it with confidence. So even if some people get angry or upset after seeing this film, I think it is a film with that much energy.

Sato: I agree with you. When I heard that the biography "Oppenheimer" was going to be released in Japan, I read 1,000 pages of the biography "Oppenheimer" up and down. (Laughter)

Suzuki: (Laughs) This film shows the reality of the Manhattan Project as seen through Oppenheimer's eyes, so the atomic bombing (discussion) does not appear in the film as in the biography. However, in the original work, after the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, some of the scientists became increasingly sick and depressed (Note 1). (Note 1) Some of the scientists became depressed after the bombing of Hiroshima and said, "We have done an unnecessary thing. Not only Oppenheimer, but many other scientists are in the film, but they are not shown much in the film. When I watched the film as a film in the U.S., the two things that are not depicted are the conflicts among scientists and the inner life of Oppenheimer, but the inner lives of the other people are not depicted. Mr. Szilard from the University of Chicago comes to Oppenheimer and asks him to sign a petition, saying, "Don't use the atomic bomb so that it won't be dropped. The group of Chicago scientists are very important people, and they are the conscience of the United States, and they are going to work for nuclear disarmament and nuclear nonproliferation.
So Oppenheimer joined that group after the war. I would have liked to see a little more description of how that came about. I would have liked to see more details about how the conscience of scientists exists in the U.S. as well. It was those people who created the current nuclear disarmament system in the world.

Oppenheimer tells Secretary Stimson and President Truman  Not only can we no longer outline a program that would guarantee our hegemony in the nuclear weapons field for decades to come, but even if hegemony is achieved, there is still no guarantee that it would protect us from the most terrible destruction. We believe that the security of the homeland, as opposed to its ability to inflict damage on its enemies, cannot depend entirely, or even fundamentally, on the power of science and technology. There is only one way to make this possible: to make future wars impossible. (From page 34 of the lower part of the biography)












Sato: It is interesting to note that the international management of nuclear weapons may have started with Niels Bohr, and that Oppenheimer respected and was guided by him.
Oppenheimer's father immigrated to the US from Germany and is conscious of being Jewish. People of Jewish descent were probably discriminated against in the United States. A consciousness that Americans do not have, Oppenheimer also says, "I love America" when war broke out. It seems that the consciousness of being an American was excessive.

30-40 of the "Manhattan Project" participants at the University of Chicago sign and campaign their stance against the atomic bombing. Oppenheimer does not sign and continues to make the atomic bomb. Was there a division even among scientists?
I would not have been aware of the conflicts and differences of opinion between scientists like the Frank Report if Dr. Suzuki had not told me about it. I did not find the Frank Report in the biography. I guess I missed it.

Suzuki: Many other scientists are also immigrants. Many of the people in the Chicago Group are immigrants. Oppenheimer, who was born and raised in the United States, loves America.

Sato: My father came to America and worked hard! He works hard and becomes a successful businessman. Is your mother an artist? Painting enthusiast. She is written as an unusual woman with a biased way of thinking. I found it a bit hard to understand, I felt she didn't love her son naively. The father, I wonder if he is educating his sons as human beings just by immigrating to the U.S., getting rich, and doting on his children. Apparently, Oppenheimer does not have the childhood to develop a human being. And he has a very strange way of loving women. Dr. Oppenheimer is. He sleeps with the wife of a fellow researcher...that would be too immoral for a friend!

Suzuki: (Laughing hysterically) I think geniuses are often like that.

Sato: I want to avoid friends of geniuses (laughs). The poisoned apple incident, he studied in England and injected poison into green apples and put them on the teaching table. That scene was also depicted in the movie. The apple incident was detailed in the biography. His father went to the university and worked hard not to disclose it externally and solved it. It doesn't say money, but he succeeds in hushing it up. So Oppenheimer did not become an attempted murderer. In the movie, there was not the scrambling of the father that there was after the poisoned apple incident. He doesn't know how to control his libido, even though he is about 20 years old. It says, "He was rolling around on the floor." He was in detention because he wasn't a good experimenter! You're on your own!" He was also told that he couldn't release his sexual desires, so he strangled his friend, and his jealousy was compounded. He is self-conscious, and when he is told that he is "bad at experiments," it is combined with shock and leads to attempted murder. Oppenheimer lacks tolerance, he's a broken personality.

Suziki: (Laughing hysterically) It's out of order, because that was neurotic.

Sato: The biography says that Oppenheimer was on the verge of suicide due to depression and symptoms of schizophrenia at that time (around page 103 of the biography), and he was treated by a psychiatrist, but Oppenheimer is a weirdo, he has read all the books on psychotherapy and gives himself better treatment than the doctor (laughs).
Trailer for Oppenheimer








『メメント』 予告編


Film is an emotional technology

Sato: The biography was too intense (laughs). What part of "Oppenheimer" did Dr. Hanada find intoxicating to watch? I thought that many people who normally watch movies or follow the storyline were totally overwhelmed by that film and could not understand it.

Hanada: I think that film, as a medium, is an emotional technology. Oppenheimer" was a film that made the best use of technology and drew out the best of its capabilities. In that respect, if you look at it as a film, I think it was very worthwhile and rich in content. The director used the largest filming standard in the history of cinema, IMAX 65mm.... The director himself said in an interview in the pamphlet. In an interview in the pamphlet, the director himself said, "I want people to be part of this cinematic experience by watching it on the biggest screen possible. I want people to be immersed in it.

Sato: The sound is also very powerful.

Hanada: The same goes for the music. The size and power of the images, the composition side. Then there is the way the story is cut into fragments. From the present to the past, and from the past to the present. That's why I always feel like I'm being rocked by a boat. I think it was a very elaborate and skillfully made work, both in terms of dramaturgy and visual techniques. I fell for it. I was in a state of drunkenness for about three days. I remember images and sensations even during the day. It was like something was shimmering in my head, but it has disappeared now. So I really felt that the way the "Oppenheimer" film was made was a way to maximize the use of emotional technology. At the same time, I felt there was a danger. It could dominate human emotions.

Sato: There is a lot of feedback on the Internet and social networking sites. The viewers have been emotionally dominated!
Hanada: It has a powerful effect, as an impact.

Sato: The first way in, the picture with the many ripples created by the rainwater droplets. That image of interference between the ripples comes into play later on... I think. A lot of abstract images that don't make sense are embedded. I thought it was a good image to show how Oppenheimer's brain works. That one is good for conveying what we don't understand. You have to feel it.

Suzuki: Director Christopher Nolan is a film professional who comes and goes.
Hanada: This is the first Nolan film I have seen.





最近制作した映画で『TENET テネット』、これまた複雑で未来と過去が未来と現在が行ったり来たりする映画でまったく分からない!でも凄い面白いの。 

『メメント』 予告編


Suzuki: A movie called "Memento" directed by Nolan, the first one released around 2000. It is a movie about time going back to the beginning. It was complicated and difficult to understand.

Next is the famous "Inception" movie, which is a movie about an experience in which a person enters an imaginary society in his or her head. The main storyline is that of a dream. The viewer does not know whether he or she is in a dream or in reality. The spinning top is a spinning top...in a dream, the top keeps spinning without stopping. In a dream, the spinning top keeps spinning. Both the people in the room and the audience judge whether it is a dream or reality by the spinning of the spinning top. The last scene ends with the spinning of the spinning top.

At the end, the viewers don't know if they are in a dream or in reality.... Inception" is also a wonderful film, and I hope you will see it too.

Next is "Batman: The Dark Knight," which is also excellent. It's a Batman trilogy. It's a movie directed by Christopher Nolan that makes Batman a dark hero. Batman is different from the other Superman because he is a normal human being. Batman can't fly or anything. That's why he only moves at night. All the movies are dark, almost always at night. Batman: The Dark Knight" is also a masterpiece.

I have recently produced a film, "Tenet Tenet," another complicated film in which the future and the past go back and forth between the future and the present, and I have no idea what it's all about! But it's a lot of fun.























Suzuki: I've only seen it twice, but I don't know. But it's okay if you don't understand. It's interesting anyway.

In this film "Oppenheimer," too, the black and white is when Strouse is the main character in the picture, and when Oppenheimer becomes the main character, it changes to color. This, moreover, goes back and forth in chronological order, so normally you can't tell. If you know history or have read biographies, you could watch the characters and explain a little about them in the film.

Sato: Yes, no descriptive text, no name display, no date and time...

Suzuki: They don't even mention their names, which is unkind. Just give me a name. Some people, even famous people, disappear right away. Some famous people disappear very quickly.

But as Dr. Hanada said, on the contrary, it has a strong impact. I didn't see it on the big screen this time, because there are no IMAX screens in Nagasaki, so I didn't see IMAX, but still, if you see it on the big screen, it is powerful and the music is amazing!

Hanada: Yes.

Suzuki: The acting is terrific. I knew that Carian Murphy and Robert Downey Zinnia would be Oscar nominees the moment I saw it. Their acting is great.
I think this will win an Oscar because the acting, script, visuals, and music are all there. Last year's Academy Awards were terrible. In that sense, it deserves to be seen, regardless of its theme, and as a movie fan, I hope everyone will see it.

Hanada: It's a thick film.

Suzuki: It's a wonderfully profound film. I think director Nolan was quite prepared to make this film. Because it is about the man who developed the atomic bomb, and it depicts the fall of the United States after the first successful nuclear test and the atomic bombing. That takes a lot of determination. I don't know if it was the Manchurian Incident or Pearl Harbor in Japan, but if you made a film about Isoroku Yamamoto, it wouldn't be like this, it would end up being a hero film. You don't make a hero movie about Oppenheimer.

Sato: Yes I painted the second half of the sinking life as well. The last picture is the scene where the nuclear war expands and the earth starts to burn. I thought it would have been good if the earth had burned a little more (laughs). I thought the way you closed the film was very good.

Suzuki: I like the part where it ends there, it's coming, it's coming! I like the part where it stops there.

Sato: Goshimai had a conversation with Einstein, handing him a formula to see if he could ignite the air, but he had a face that was lacking in the other side. Oppenheimer's brain does not ignite the air, but it represents a delusion that nuclear war will expand and the entire earth will burn.

Suzuki: He said those risks are not going away.

Sato: I thought the closing was clever.
Suzuki: Mr. Sato, did you check the report that says the probability of a chain reaction (fission chain reaction) igniting the earth is zero?

Sato: I read in the biography that it was almost zero. In the movie, you ask Einstein, and he finishes up, but the biography (p. 310) says, "Fermi convinced Teller and Oppenheimer that the possibility of igniting liquid deuterium with a fission weapon, a fission bomb, inadvertently igniting a 78% nitrogen atmosphere, was close to zero. You discussed and confirmed this. It did say that it was calculated and almost zero.

Suzuki: There is a difference between almost nothing and zero.

Sato: I can't be sure, but I experiment.
Suzuki: Maybe scientists will not say zero. There is no way they can say absolutely zero. They can only say it is almost zero. There is a reputation that it is terrible that they did the experiment at Trinity knowing that there is a probability that it might destroy the earth. That's what some people are saying about the film, but that's not true.
I thought they scientists thought Oppenheimer was not a chain reaction. Because when scientists say near zero, they mean zero.
In the wake of the Fukushima accident, Dr. Madarame of the Nuclear Safety Commission asked Prime Minister Naoto Kan, "Is there any danger of an explosion?" I said "zero" when asked. Knowing Dr. Ikame well, I don't think he said zero. First of all, it is impossible, first of all, it is close to zero.

Sato: Scientists don't say zero, do they?

Suzuki: I won't say, that is why Prime Minister Naoto Kan said zero. In that sense, Mr. Kan is right, scientists don't say zero, so he said almost zero. I don't think he thought it would probably happen.

Sato: The earth burns zero, that statement is in the biography, so I will take an image and send it to you.

Suzuki: (Laughter) I think the point is that Oppenheimer and other scientists are experimenting with the confidence that it will not happen, that the earth will not be destroyed by a chain reaction. I would be too scared to experiment with such a thing. They would have been rather worried that it wouldn't explode.

















01 02 03 04 日本語版リンク Japanese version link

Oppenheimer on the crown of "father of the atomic bomb

Sato: You worry about not detonating the bomb. I am wondering, who crowned Oppenheimer as the "father of the atomic bomb"? The Japanese version of the biography has "Father of the Atomic Bomb" on the cover, and the English version of the biography that Dr. Suzuki had, does it say "Father of the Atomic Bomb"?

Suzuki: It's not in the English book.

Sato: The Japanese version has it on the cover.

Suzuki: True.
Sato: Is it in the original book...I don't know.

Suzuki: It doesn't say. It only says American Prometheus.

Sato: Who crowned him the father of the atomic bomb... I wanted to know, so I searched past newspaper articles at the prefectural library. When Oppenheimer came to Japan in 1960, they did not refer to him as the "father of the atomic bomb.

Suzuki: Is that so?

Sato: I also found an article summarizing Oppenheimer's speech in Japan. If it is a common name, newspapers would write "father of the atomic bomb" even in 1960. I wondered if the editor might have added it as a catchphrase when publishing the Japanese version of the biography. I thought so.

Suzuki: That may be so.

Sato: I don't know who crowned him the father of the atomic bomb. It is written on the cover of the biography. I think it was the person who published the work. Printed matter is scary, isn't it?

Suzuki: It is not written in English.

Sato: The Japanese version of Oppenheimer's biography was crowned when it was published, and the media has since followed suit. What do you think about the crown?

Hanada: If you don't know who crowned it....

Sato: I searched for the article in which Dr. Yukawa invited Oppenheimer to Japan in 1960, but it does not refer to him as the father of the atomic bomb. The article at that time also did not refer to him as the "father of the atomic bomb.

With the release of the "Oppenheimer" film this year, the survivors overreacted and criticized the film. And, compared to the 1960 article, didn't the "father of the atomic bomb" go home movement happen back then? I wonder if they would overreact now due to the influence of social networking sites....
I don't think that Japanese people are more conscious of being victims of the atomic bombings today. In war, there are perpetrators and victims, and you can be either. I wondered if the consciousness of a large number of people would be like that... and then I looked into it.

I almost type "father of the atomic bomb" on my keyboard. That's a bad way to remember. So, what was Oppenheimer's position in the Manhattan Project, what was his correlation, what was his position in the government? I made a simple table to know. What I can tell you is that he existed as the head of the civilian government. He was appointed as the head of the scientists who developed the bomb at Los Alamos. The term "father of the atomic bomb" is an overstatement. I thought so after drawing the correlation chart (see figure). I thought it would be okay to call General Groves and Secretary Stimson the fathers of the atomic bomb....

Suzuki: No, I don't know.

Sato: If you want to say it, is it Secretary of War Henry Stimson? Let's not use the father of the atomic bomb....

Suzuki: Perhaps, though it is difficult. If Oppenheimer had not been there, the atomic bomb would not have been made.

Sato: Oppenheimer, a lover of ancient and modern literature and poetry, is a good storyteller, and he instantly summarizes the objections and counter-arguments between scientists, and when he tells a story, it comes together, so it says.

His ability to use language to focus scientists on the development of the atomic bomb is strong. He could speak a variety of languages at will, and he had honed his powers of persuasion, which became his foundation. His narrative won the hearts of the scientists, said to be about 4,000 at Los Alamos, and made them instantly understand what they had to do now. He was a genius at persuasion. He is not the father of the atomic bomb, but the father of communication in Los Alamos.

Suzuki: Perhaps, but I don't know what happened back then, but when Oppenheimer came to Japan in the 1960s, he was given a great welcome. It was true then and it is true now, but I am not criticizing Oppenheimer for this film either. The target is the director Nolan who made the film, the Hollywood people behind it, and the U.S. government that allows it to happen, and Oppenheimer himself is not the target of criticism.

So from the moment Oppenheimer said "I am death," he regretted it and it haunted him for the rest of his life. That's what this film is about. It's hard to feel like attacking him.

 Continue to No.03

01 02 03 04 Links to Japanese and English versions

September 5, 1960 Asahi Shimbun
'The Dr. Oppenheimer. Hideki Yukawa