

Third Journalism

               by Tatsuro Hanada 

1 潮流の変化と入れ替わり――私から見えるもの


(註1)の『コレクティブ』の記事「ドイツに敵対する秘密計画」(数カ国語に翻訳されて掲載されているが、ここでは英語版とする)のU R Lは、https://correctiv.org/en/top-stories/2024/01/15/secret-plan-against-germany/


1. Alternation of Tidal Currents: What I See from My Perspective

 On New Year's Day in January 2024, the aftermath of the Noto Peninsula earthquake dominated Japanese media, with constant coverage of the disaster. In stark contrast, the German press focused on political upheaval, reporting extensively on nationwide protests against the growing influence of far-right movements: each day, hundreds of thousands gathered in major cities to demonstrate.
 One pivotal factor driving even previously apolitical individuals to join these protests was an article titled “A Secret Plan Against Germany” (Note 1). Published on January 10 by Collectiv, a Berlin-based nonprofit investigative journalism organization, the piece became an immediate sensation. Mainstream outlets quickly amplified the story, ensuring widespread awareness. For example, the Suddeutsche Zeitung headlined its coverage of the protests as “Germany Rising Up.”

 ドイツの極右台頭の問題は本稿では横に置くとして、ここで私が注目するのは、秘密会合への招聘通知の手紙(通信はメールでは行なわれず郵送された)を情報源から入手したのが『シュピーゲル』誌や『南ドイツ新聞』ではなく、新興の『コレクティブ』だったということである。2016年の「パナマ文書」報道の時にウィスルブロワー(内部告発者)であるジョン・ドゥー(匿名者が名乗る時の名前)が情報提供先として選んだのは『南ドイツ新聞』だった。同紙がICIJ(International Consortium of Investigative Journalists)(国際探査ジャーナリスト連合。1997年にチャールズ・ルイスによって設立)に協力を求め、各国メディアを通じて世界的な同時発信となったのはまだ記憶に新しい。『コレクティブ』が大口寄付者からの300万ユーロ(当時の為替レートで換算して、約4億3000万円)の資金によって設立されたのはその2年前の2014年のことだった。それから10年経った今日、『コレクティブ』はウィスルブロワーから選ばれるニュース組織になったのである。『コレクティブ』はこれまで北ドイツ放送協会および『南ドイツ新聞』と3者協定を結び、共同企画・共同取材・各メディア別コンテンツ制作・同日一斉発信のコラボを組んで成果をあげてきた。欧州各国を股にかけた大規模な政府助成金詐欺事件「CumEx-Files」スキャンダルの暴露などである。

註2)マルチン・ゼルナーは1989年ウィーン生まれで、若い。欧州各国の若者の間で広がっている「アイデンティティ運動」の頭目の1人で、移民排除を主張し、非暴力直接行動を戦略として唱えている。その「アイデンティティ」とはヨーロッパ人のアイデンティティを指す。彼は、Blog、雑誌、ミニ集会、Facebook、YouTube、Instagram、サブカルチャーシーンなどあらゆるコミュニケーション手段を駆使して浸透を図る。また過去の左翼の手法や用語を換骨奪胎しつつ横取りして活用する。著書に、Martin Sellner, Identitar! Geschichte eines Aufbruchs, Schnellroda: Verlag Antaios, 2017.

(註3)2013年にドイツで結党された極右政党AfD(Alternative fur Deutschland)(ドイツのための選択肢)の勢力は、前回行われた2021年の連邦議会選挙では有権者の10.4%の得票を獲得し、第5位だった。第1位の社会民主党(25.7%)、第3位の緑の党(14.7%)、第4位の自由民主党(11.4%)が連立政権を構成し、第1党のオラフ・ショルツが首相に就いた。最大野党となった保守党のキリスト教民主・社会同盟は24.2%だった。今日AfDが勢いを増す中で注目されているのは本年6月の欧州議会選挙と9月の東部ドイツのブランデンブルク、ザクセン、テューリンゲンの3州の州議会選挙の行方である。東部ドイツつまり旧東ドイツの地域ではAfDが強く、今回の選挙でAfDが州議会の過半数の議席を取って、初めてAfD党員の州首相が誕生する可能性が取り沙汰されている。

What’s Happening
 Potsdam, near Berlin, is a city rich in history. It is famously home to King Frederick the Great’s palace and played a pivotal role in modern history as the site of the Potsdam Declaration, which shaped post-World War II geopolitics. The area around Potsdam is dotted with lakes, forming a picturesque district. I once visited Einstein’s villa on Lake Templiner, where he lived from 1929 to 1932. Another significant landmark is the Wannsee Conference site-a villa on Lake Wann. This memorialized venue hosted the 1942 Nazi meeting, led by SS official Reinhard Heydrich, where plans for the systematic genocide of Jews were finalized.
 The backdrop for Collectiv’s expose is a secluded hotel overlooking Lake Lehnitz, not far from Lake Wann.
 On November 25 of last year, around 20 far-right and neo-Nazi representatives secretly convened at this hotel to discuss a “master plan” and potential funding sources. The plan, disturbingly reminiscent of Nazi-era ethnic cleansing, proposed the forced “remigration” of migrants and their descendants-including those with German citizenship-deemed unable to “assimilate racially.” They would be relocated to a designated area in North Africa.
 The meeting was organized by a former dentist from Dusseldorf, a lifelong figure in far-right circles. The keynote speaker was Austrian neo-Nazi ideologue Martin Sellner (Note 2). Participants included Roland Hartwig, a Bundestag member from the far-right AfD (Alternative for Germany) party (Note 3), a close associate of AfD co-chair Alice Weidel, and other far-right leaders. The attendee list also featured business executives and entrepreneurs identified as financial supporters. The article recounts detailed conversations from the meeting, quoting participants extensively.
 Acting on a tip, Collectiv deployed an investigative team to the site. They discreetly positioned cameras around the hotel to capture images of attendees through conference room windows, later publishing these photos as evidence. Additionally, a reporter infiltrated the hotel under the guise of being a guest, likely planting a wiretap to record the discussions.
 Beyond the troubling rise of far-right movements in Germany, this incident underscores the growing influence of Collectiv as a leader in investigative journalism. It wasn’t Der Spiegel or the Suddeutsche Zeitung but Collectiv that secured the invitation letter to the secret meeting via anonymous sources (delivered by mail rather than email).
 This recalls the 2016 Panama Papers investigation, where the whistleblower “John Doe” chose the Suddeutsche Zeitung as his disclosure medium. That expose, in collaboration with the ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists), achieved global impact. Similarly, Collectiv, founded in 2014 with an initial ?3 million donation (approximately 430 million yen), has become a trusted platform for whistleblowers. Over the past decade, it has built a formidable reputation through partnerships with the North German Broadcasting Corporation and the Suddeutsche Zeitung. These collaborations have led to groundbreaking investigations, such as the CumEx-Files, which uncovered extensive European tax fraud schemes.
 This recent expose on far-right activities was a solo effort by Collectiv and is a testament to its rising prominence. In just 10 years, the name “Collectiv” has become deeply etched in the consciousness of the German public. This achievement may also signal a shift from dependence on large donations to a more sustainable model of fixed monthly contributions from supporters.

 では、どのように? 物を生産するための手段(設備や技術や労働力など)を誰が所有し、支配しているかということ、そしてその所有者たちの利害関心がどういうものであるかということが、国家や宗教や法律などのあり方に反映しているのだと捉えて、そのカラクリを暴露したのである。建屋に作られる中身は土台の所有者たちの利益が反映したものだという意味でイデオロギーと呼ばれた。単純化して、土台は経済、建屋は政治と見なされていると言ってもいい。その際、ポリティカル・エコノミーというのは「政治経済学」のことではなく(日本語でしばしばこういう使い方を目にするので残念だが、「学」という意味がどこにあるのか)、経済が持っている政治性、あるいは政治的な性格を持つ経済という意味で言っているのであって、エコノミーが持つそういう性格を解明し批判したのである。

What Structure Can You See?
 Let us delve into a more abstract perspective: What does this significant shift represent? To articulate this, we need a conceptual framework-a lens to analyze and interpret the phenomenon. The Base and Superstructure in Political Economy concept has long provided a valuable framework for understanding the relationship between media and journalism.
 In this model, the Base represents the structure of material production, encompassing the productive forces (e.g., tools, labor, and technology) and productive relations (e.g., ownership and power dynamics). Together, these elements define the mode of production. The Superstructure, in contrast, comprises societal institutions and activities shaped by human consciousness, such as politics, religion, law, education, science, art, and culture. Unlike parallel entities, the Base and Superstructure are vertically aligned, with the Base exerting a decisive influence over the Superstructure. This hierarchical arrangement enables critical analysis by revealing how economic structures shape ideological expressions.

Ideology as a Reflection of Power
 Through this framework, institutions like the state, religion, and law can be understood as reflections of those who control the means of production. These reflections form what is termed ideology-a Superstructure shaped by the interests of the economic Base. In this context, the economy functions as the foundation, and politics becomes its ideological extension.
 Political economy does not denote "political-economic science," a common misinterpretation in Japan. Instead, it refers to the political character inherent in economic systems. Criticizing Political Economy involves exposing and analyzing the underlying power structures and their impact on society.
 In the mid-19th century, this approach sought to invert dominant ideologies by grounding them in material reality. It posited that humanity’s well-being and suffering stem from the structures governing the production of life’s material necessities. This conceptual tool was both analytical and transformative, designed to address and resolve societal contradictions.

Applying the Framework to Media and Journalism
 When applied to media and journalism, the Base represents the material infrastructure of social communication-media technologies and their economic foundations. The Superstructure represents journalism as a societal activity rooted in consciousness, focusing on creating and disseminating information. The media facilitates cultural products' production, distribution, and consumption, while journalism engages in their intellectual and ideological interpretation.
 Historically, journalism emerged during the civil revolutions of the modern era, serving as a weapon for civil society against state authority and embodying the ideals of universal liberalism. However, the advent of mass media in the late 19th and early 20th centuries-enabled by innovations such as high-speed rotary presses, cinema, and radio (later television)-transformed the media infrastructure. This ushered in the “age of mass media,” during which journalism became deeply entwined with mass communication's ownership structures and financial models. As a result, journalism often struggled to uphold its liberal ideals, constrained by its material dependencies.

Media Systems: Contrasts Between the West and Japan
 In 20th-century Western Europe, newspapers were typically divided into quality papers targeting affluent readers and mass papers catering to broader audiences. This division mirrored class distinctions in the economic Base. Japan, by contrast, lacked such a bifurcation in its newspaper industry, a difference worth noting. Similarly, broadcasting systems evolved in three primary forms globally: state-run, public, and commercial. In Japan, NHK transitioned from state-run to public after World War II, while commercial broadcasting emerged simultaneously, resulting in a dual-tier system. However, Japan’s lack of independent regulatory bodies has allowed more government influence over media than Western nations. This intertwining of political and market forces is further complicated by newspaper companies owning shares in private broadcasters, creating unique dynamics in Japan’s media landscape.
 The mass media of the 20th century relied on physical technologies like print and airwaves to distribute content-news, entertainment, advertisements, and propaganda-to a broad audience. This system epitomized the Base-Superstructure relationship of the era, forming a vast industrial ecosystem. However, just as this system matured, a transformative shift began.

The Digital Revolution and Its Consequences
 The late 20th century witnessed the emergence of the Internet, driven by the convergence of computing and telecommunications. Digital technology revolutionized the production and dissemination of information, reshaping the media’s material foundation. This transformation coincided with the 2008 Lehman Brothers collapse, which triggered a global financial crisis. The advertising market, a cornerstone of the mass media business model, contracted dramatically, dealing a severe blow to the industry. Traditional revenue streams became unsustainable almost overnight.
 This dual upheaval-technological and economic-prompted profound changes in journalism. The question now is how these shifts in the media’s material foundation have redefined the structure of journalism. What new strategies have emerged to adapt to this evolving landscape? We must explore these questions to understand this transformative era's implications.

 この事態を素早く掴み取る目を持った男が米国にいた。前出のチャールズ・ルイスである。彼はCBSの報道番組「60ミニッツ」でプロデューサーを務めていたが、その仕事に見切りを付けて退職し、新しいムーブメントに身を投じた。その戦略は、インターネットの技術と非営利の経済とから構成される土台の上に、探査ジャーナリズムの意識活動が展開される建屋を造るというもので、前出のICIJ(International Consortium of Investigative Journalists)(国際探査ジャーナリスト連合、1997年設立)など色々な組織を立ち上げていった。ルイスはアメリカン大学教授として、2008年に大学発メディア『探査報道ワークショップ』(Investigative Reporting Workshop)も立ち上げた。その時まだアイディア段階だった『ワセダクロニクル』をどうするか考えていた私は、2015年にノルウェーのリレハンメルで開催されたGIJC(Global Investigative Journalism Conference)(探査ジャーナリズム世界大会)で彼に会い、大いに話し合い、大いに学んだ。
 『ニュースタパ』(The Korea Center for Investigative Journalism (KCIJ) : Newstapa)(韓国、2012年設立)、
 『報導者』(The Reporter)(台湾、2015年設立)、
 『ワセダクロニクル』(Waseda Chronicle)(日本、2017年設立。Tokyo  Investigative Newsroom Tansaと2021年に改称した)、
などである。そのほかに研修機能や交流機能や発信機能を持つセンターが多く存在する。こうしたグローバルな運動を推進する目的で、早くも2003年にGIJN(Global Investigative Journalism Network)(世界探査ジャーナリズムネットワーク)が結成され、今日では91カ国から250の組織をメンバーとして数えるまでに成長した。


「2 四つの波頭――私の身の周りで」 へ続く

チャールズ・ルイスと筆者。2017年11月に南アフリカ共和国ヨハネスブルクで開催された第10回GIJC(Global Investigative Journalism Conference: 探査ジャーナリズム世界大会)にて撮影。


註4)カール・マルクス「経済学批判要綱・序説」(マルクス・コレクション V)、2005年、筑摩書房。原典のGrundrisse der Kritik der Politischen Okonomieは1857-1858年に刊行された。

Movement in Investigative Journalism
 In the United States, Charles Lewis quickly recognized the shifting landscape of journalism. A former producer for CBS’s 60 Minutes, Lewis left the network to pursue a new direction to develop a new model of journalism based on the Internet and nonprofit funding. He began various projects to build a new ecosystem for investigative journalism, similar to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism (ICIJ), established in 1997. As a professor at American University, he founded the Investigative Reporting Workshop, a university-affiliated media outlet, in 2008, from which I learned a lot about developing the Waseda Chronicle’s idea when I met him at the GIJC in Lillehammer, Norway, in 2015.
 During the same period, similar pioneers worldwide independently established non-profit, Internet-based newsrooms to promote investigative journalism. Examples include:
 ・ Reveal (USA, founded in 1977 as a print publication and later transitioned to digital),
 ・ ProPublica (USA, founded in 2007),
 ・ Newstapa (The Korea Center for Investigative Journalism, founded in 2012),
 ・ Collectiv (Germany, founded in 2014),
 ・ The Reporter (Taiwan, founded in 2015),
 ・ Waseda Chronicle (Japan, founded in 2017; renamed Tokyo Investigative Newsroom Tansa in 2021).
 In addition to these outlets, numerous institutions have emerged to provide training, foster collaboration, and disseminate investigative journalism. The global scope of this movement is underscored by the creation of the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN)in 2003, which now connects 250 organizations across 91 countries.
This movement has rapidly expanded the model of funding investigative journalism through civil society rather than traditional market revenues. This includes financing through membership fees, donations, and foundation grants. Such initiatives represent a profound transformation in journalism, adapting it to the realities of the 21st century.
The investigative achievements of The Collectiv, as discussed earlier in this article, symbolize this transformation. Its groundbreaking expose and subsequent societal impact highlight a critical turning point, suggesting that the tides of journalism have shifted decisively.

Rethinking the Conceptual Framework
 To analyze these changes, this discussion has employed the conceptual framework of Base (foundation) and Superstructure (building), a model developed by Karl Marx in the mid-19th century (Note 4). While this framework remains valuable for understanding the relationship between economic structures and societal ideologies, its limitations are increasingly evident in contemporary journalism.
 This framework's primary shortcoming is its rigid dichotomy. It assumes a hierarchical, linear relationship between the material Base (an economic structure based on the interests of production means owners) and the ideological Superstructure (expressions of political, economic, and social consciousness). While this perspective has explanatory power, it struggles to account for the complexities of modern media ecosystems and the fluid dynamics of today’s journalism.
 This limitation is particularly pronounced in Japan, where unique cultural and institutional factors challenge the framework's applicability. For example, the interplay between public and commercial broadcasting and the concentration of media ownership reveals nuances that the Base-Superstructure model oversimplifies.
 We must move beyond this binary framework to better understand and address the challenges faced by modern journalism. A more flexible and multidimensional conceptual approach must accommodate the diverse economic, technological, and cultural forces shaping today's media landscape.
The need for a new conceptual framework is particularly evident in Japan, where the dichotomy inherent in this model is less applicable, especially in discussions about the potential of journalism. Recognizing these limitations, I am moving away from this binary perspective.

Continue to "2. The Four Wave Heads: Observing the Changing Landscape"