モアナと伝説の海 2 鑑賞録 2024年12月08日作成





The Master's Day of 2024 began with a movie in which women played an active role. Movie theater billboards were lined with posters of women sitting in the center. I chose the option “Moana and the Legend of the Sea 2” to see which one I would not get tired of watching.

Walt Disney (December 5, 1901 - December 15, 1966) was an animator born in Chicago, U.S.A. The most prominent of his influences in Japan is Osamu Tezuka. Osamu Tezuka (November 3, 1928-February 9, 1989) is younger than his parents. Tezuka's numerous animated works have attracted fans young and old, male and female. His numerous animated works, which include singing, dancing, and light movements, connect the world beyond the boundaries of time. Some of his works are based on philosophical themes and have a wide readership, and we have many of them in our cartoon library.

Among animated cartoons, there is no one who does not know the song “Astro Boy” written by the poet Shuntaro Tanikawa, who passed away at the end of 2024, and his works. It is one of the representative works that advocated the peaceful use of nuclear energy. (Sato does not know how many Japanese animated films can be exported overseas.)


谷川俊太郎作詞 鉄腕アトム主題歌

I had never seen a Disney-produced animated film before, but I casually sat down in a movie theater chair. However, I immediately felt dizzy because I could not keep up with the speed of the story. It is true that unlike live-action films, animation is good at moving characters freely and at super speed. This is one of the selling points of animation, not to mention the movements of Tom and Jerry, but I wondered if old Sato would be able to keep up. I was getting worried. In the old days, Tezuka invented mouth-packing animation in order to show one film a week and further reduce production costs and time and effort. The children were able to smoothly follow the animated characters thanks to the skill of the voice actors, who were able to empathize with the characters.

Moana animation is rich in minute movements. The facial expressions were more deformed and detailed than those of real humans, and the amount of information was incomparably greater than that of mouth-slapping animated cartoons. I began to watch the film thinking that it would be too tiring for an old man to watch, and skipping over it from time to time to try to memorize at least the rough outline of the story. The aftermath of the film had been blown away, and those who do not have the skill to immerse themselves in the super speed of the film and watch it only with their senses may not like it. It may be that those who do not have the skill to immerse themselves in the super speed of the film and watch it may not be counted as customers.









The story and the stage where it will be performed.

The story begins on a beach with beautiful waves gently lapping at the feet of a dark-skinned girl. The chief of the island reveals that this peaceful beach has long been isolated from the people of the neighboring islands because of a curse. We know that the island is in the southwest because the star Orion appears at the girl's fingertips in the opposite form of the star we see in the Japanese archipelago. Other than that, there are no other clues to the island. The roofs of the palm-thatched houses that sometimes appear on the island are steeply pitched and have no walls. The islanders' bare skin is the main feature of the story, which tells us that it is an everlasting summer island story.

The main stages are the ocean and the ship, plus the inside of the curse itself and the home island, the four main areas. The home island to return to seems to be a small island, smaller than the island of Tahiti. The number of islanders is less than 80, judging from the people who saw off the departing boat. The people of this region hope to break the curse that has held them captive since ancient times and restore the island to its original state, where people come and go and thrive. This is a tale of adventure as they leap into the ocean to make that happen.

The prototype of the boat was a sailing boat with cabins, consisting of two boats, as shown in the photo on the right. The color scheme was based on browns and maroon to match the blue ocean.

The only scenes of food sharing were the sharing of parting cups and coconut wine, so it remained unclear what the staple food was at the end of the day.

The story keeps moving even though they don't eat. The characters are in high spirits even though they have not eaten anything. Human beings start by eating and sleeping, but the characters in this story are plump and round even without eating. I imagined that they must be eating plenty of fish oil. No matter how animated the cartoon is, I would like to see a beautiful depiction of cannibalism.



ゴーギャン(1848・6・7〜1903・5・8)ポスト印象派の画家で、生きた時は第一次世界大戦前、貴族社会から民衆への権力移行期にあらわれた画家だ。1897年タヒチで制作した『我々はどこから来たのか我々は何者か我々はどこへ行くのか D’ou venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Ou allons-nous ?』というタイトルの絵は注目されている。彼は根源的な問いを描こうとしたようで、画面に三つの問いを右から順に素直に描いている。

人間の誕生(赤ん坊)〜島での人々の生活〜老人(死)を、私には押さえた色調に見える、フォルムは具体的な人や動物を描いている。犬、猫、オシドリのような鳥 カワセミのような白い野鳥。地球上の楽園の生死を描いたのだと思うが、仏教でいう輪廻転生図にも似ているかもしれない。男性は立ち上がり果物を採取し、子供に与えコミュニティを維持するが、やがて若い女性の肉体の隣で年老いた老男になる、その老人はゴーギャンその人に思えるので、共感を得やすいだろう。フランス領の地上に楽園をみようとしたのは産業革命以降にあっては、西欧男性の一種の退廃、あるいは現実からの逃避とも受け止めることは可能だ。






Is there an island where it was set?

Although there is a time gap of more than 100 years, the creator of Moana and the French painter Paul Gauguin. Why did they aim for a small island in the southern hemisphere's great ocean and paint it as a stage?

Gauguin (June 7, 1848 - May 8, 1903) was a Post-Impressionist painter who lived before World War I, during the transition of power from the aristocracy to the people. ou venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Ou allons-nous ? is a remarkable painting. He seems to have been trying to depict fundamental questions, and he has painted three questions on the screen in order from right to left in a straightforward manner.

Human birth (baby) - people's life on the island - old age (death), the colors seem to me to be subdued, the forms depict concrete people and animals. Dogs, cats, birds like mandarin ducks White wild birds like kingfishers. I think it depicts life and death in paradise on earth, but it may also resemble the Buddhist picture of reincarnation. The man rises up and gathers fruits and gives them to his children to sustain the community, but eventually he becomes an old man next to the body of a young woman, and the old man seems to be Gauguin himself, so it would be easy to sympathize with him. It is possible to see this attempt to create a paradise on French soil as a kind of decadence or escape from reality for Western men in the post-industrial era.

In 2024, the IT revolution is accelerating and the social structure is drastically changing (the expansion of wealth and the disappearance of occupations), and the rise of authoritarian politics in the global economy has exposed the division and conflict among people. In addition, the U.S. monopoly is collapsing, and the unstable situation on the ground is becoming clear. The gulf between the interests of the developed countries and those of the developing regions of the Global South remains unresolved, and it is difficult to imagine a stable society in which they can coexist. Furthermore, we live in a world where the world is in flux in an instant and can be visualized and shared directly on social networking services. It is understandable that people would like to believe that there is a peaceful world, even if it is a lie. However, lies cannot change the facts.

In such a world, is it not human nature to want to shut out information, to tighten up, and to have a peaceful life? Do we want to live in a peaceful paradise, free from the spell of excessive performance-based and economically competitive society? We would like to be free from the curse of excessive performance-based and economically competitive society and live in a peaceful paradise! The curse of the modern man is that his life is not getting any easier no matter how much he works, and that work is constantly increasing as IT continues to be updated, and work follows him into his home and even under the covers. I want to be free from the shackles of labor, I want to go and live in paradise! I thought Moana was a work that responded to the depths of people living today with Ezura and liberated them, even if only for a moment. (To put this point strongly, Disney is good at business.)

■ Is the curse in the movie a curse? It seems thousands of years have passed since a legendary curse was placed on the island paradise where Moana lives. It seems that Moana's mission is to free the people of the island from that curse. The trailer page says, “People were once connected by the sea, but were torn apart by a god who hates humans. If we reach the island at the end of the sea, the curse will be lifted and the world will be united again. The film seems to show an example of how the curse can be lifted. The film reveals how Disney's strange move presents itself on the earth in the midst of the Master's Day. As I followed the story, which unfolded at super-speed, I had many questions about what Moana's actions would be, and I would like to express them below.






The Mother Ship that Replaces the Unsinkable Islands

Regardless of Tahiti, islands in the southern hemisphere of the Pacific Ocean have been under the curse of modernity, having been ruled as colonies by Western powers during the imperialist era and used as sites for nuclear testing. After being further subjugated to a monetary economy and society, independence movements took place, but one can imagine that the original paradise on earth would not return even if they became independent. It will be a temporary, everlasting summer paradise that cannot be freed from the curse of being incorporated under capitalism. Even after gaining independence, the curse of the global economy will not dissolve, and we will not be able to escape from the world capitalist economy. It seems to me that we will have to wait forever for that to happen, and I don't think it's possible.

The existence of such a real society makes the significance of the cartoon come to life and make us twice as happy in this life. I wonder if there are people who watch Moana thinking that if there was a society like paradise, there would be no eternal paradise on earth. Those who are busy working all the way to the futon may find temporary peace by watching a movie in which they struggle to find paradise in order to win it. It is human nature for people to want to dream, even if only for a moment.

As mentioned in the introduction, Moana grew up on an unsinkable island that was closed to communication by a curse. Guided by a giant broom star, Moana leaves the unsinkable island, using Orion as her compass, for the island of Dark Sight, which is said to be the end of the sea. Both in the movie are inhabited by only two people, a giant man and a woman. It is said that they repel all kinds of people with their magical powers. These people have been isolated for thousands of years.

The island of Dark Sight, where the curse-maker lives, is pictured as the opposite of the island where Moana grew up, perhaps modeled after the giant female organ of the sea, a floating rootless plant. The islanders who have gathered to lift the curse are swallowed up from the entrance of the dark site island to the depths of the island. The islanders who had gathered to lift the curse were swallowed up from the entrance of the island and swallowed deep inside. The temple at the end of the island is like a womb, a palace where the Dark Sight Demon King lives, a solitary demon king who lives for thousands of years, living alone and making it his life's purpose to cast curses on other islands. It may have been shown as a gathering of people and an isolated demon palace to show wealth and poverty in a simple way.

The story leading up to the dark site is the heart of the film, so I will omit it.





Is a happy ending a happy ending?

The film ends with Moana and her friends' successes and miracles, the island's curse is lifted, and interactions with the surrounding islands occur all at once, but it doesn't add up.

Why is it happy to interact with people from other islands? If we look at the conflicts that occur due to the exchanges that occur between the world's large islands and continents that are happening today, the gathering of people is the beginning of conflict, and this would be the reality. Therefore, there is no happy ending in this world when exchanges begin. People's lives are continued amidst constant strife and tension, and the world is transformed. This is the fact, and the old man, Sato, wanted to be a hapy, even if only in an animated cartoon, and in this respect, he felt that his heart and policy attitude were weak-legged. (He may be looking at his audience in an unfair way.)

Now, then, how to depict it as a real fortunate island, I would like to guess.










 2024年12月16日 佐藤敏宏

What kind of ending would you like?

My impressions are long, so I will list them in bullet points. I think the first step is to create a place where the people of the islands who have gathered can talk to each other.

(1) cooperate with each other to break the essence of the curse. Since the nature of the curse is not mentioned, we can only make an analogy, but the lone inhabitant of the dark site is jealous of the peaceful and prosperous life of the people on the island. He interprets it as such and takes two of the Dark Site residents into his circle of friends, and he becomes nostalgic. And when they feel the emptiness of living thousands of years in a palace of solitude, that is when we will bury them like human beings. (This will be an island burial.)

(2) Leave them to live in peace and quiet. (2) Leave them to live quietly. Forget about the two people on the cursed island, and continue to live with the purpose of finding and nurturing the seeds of abundance in the midst of conflict, while fighting with the people of the islands.

(3) Work to maximize your own desires. We are not told what the desires of the islanders are, but if they are to continue their activities as hunters and gatherers in a tropical paradise and live in peace, they must first learn how to defend themselves against colonization without destroying the lives of the other islanders - since the curse has been lifted - from the two DarkSight members. By doing so, the curse will be turned against the other islands.

(4) Free and open coexistence of right and wrong. In order to share ideas and avoid harming each other when interacting with other islands, we will first make an agreement between islands, then practice and observe, and establish laws and a governing structure to create a world with as little conflict as possible. Then, while living on the islands, we will sort out and adjust differences in opinions (desires) and create a relationship of mutual compromise. 

(5) Eliminate disparities  We assume that by interacting with the people of the islands, the disparity will be visualized and recognized. We will conduct a survey and discuss how to eliminate the disparity before interacting with the people of the islands. After conducting the survey and discussing how to eliminate the disparities, we will then exchange with the other islands. (6) We could start by studying each other's works of literature, such as the Curse of Stephen King's Earth Spirit, and share with each other learning to overcome difficulties. I can think of many more, but there is no end to them, so I will stop here and conclude my thoughts on Moana.

 December 16, 2024 Toshihiro Sato